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Ключевые слова:
1. Roberts I.M. Disorders of the pancreas in children //
Gastroenterol. Clinic. 1990. P. 963–973.
2. Shah S., Amarapurkar D., Pitchumoni C.S. Hereditary pancreatitis // Am. J. Gastroenlerol. 1994. P. 928–930.
3. Tandon R.K. Tropical Calcific pancreatitis // J. Gastroenterol.
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4. Balkrishnan V. Chronic calcific pancreatitis in the tropics // Ind.
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5. Comfort M.U., Steinberg A.G. Pedigree of family with hereditary
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6. Whitcomb D.C. The spectrum of complication of hereditary pancreatitis; is this model for future gene therapy // Gastroenterol.
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7. Berman L.G., Prior J.T. A study of pancreatic duct system in man
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8. Cotton P.B. Congenital anomaly of pancreas divisum as a cause
of abdominal pain and pancreatitis // Gut. 1980. V. 81. P. 101.
9. Guelrud M. et al. The role of ERCP in the diagnoses and management ofidiopathic recurrent pancreatitis in children and adolescents // Gaslrointes. Endosc. 1994. V. 40. P. 428.
10. Cooperman M., et al. Idiopathic acute pancreatitis value of
ERCP // Surgery. 1981. V. 90. P. 666.
11. Киргизов И.В., Лёнюшкин А.И., Плякин В.А., Шишкин И.А.
Случай оперативного лечения ребенка с калькулезным панкреатитом // Детская хирургия. 2008. №3. С. 51–53.