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вce журналы << Поиск по всем журналам: э << очистить поиск << Анналы хирургической гепатологии << 2016 год << №1 <<

Современные тенденции в хирургии печени и поджелудочной железы. Часть 1. Хирургия первичного рака печени и трансплантация печени. Обзор материалов Пятого конгресса Азиатско-Тихоокеанской гепатопанкреатобилиарной ассоциации

Ефанов М. Г., Степанова Ю. А., Ионкин Д. А.
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Ефанов Михаил Германович - доктор мед. наук, заведующий отделом гепатопанкреатобилиарной хирургии, ГБУЗ “Московский клинический научный центр Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы”, m.efanov@mknc.ru, 111123, Москва, шоссе Энтузиастов, д. 86, Российская Федерация
Степанова Юлия Александровна - доктор мед. наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела лучевых методов диагностики и лечения, ФГБУ “Институт хирургии им. А.В. Вишневского” Минздрава РФ, 115093, Москва, ул. Большая Серпуховская, д. 27, Российская Федерация
Ионкин Дмитрий Анатольевич - канд. мед. наук, старший научный сотрудник отделения хирургии печени и поджелудочной железы, ФГБУ “Институт хирургии им. А.В. Вишневского” Минздрава РФ, 115093, Москва, ул. Большая Серпуховская, д. 27, Российская Федерация

Представлен обзор наиболее актуальных и доказательных исследований, включенных в программу Пятого конгресса Азиатско-Тихоокеанской гепатопанкреатобилиарной ассоциации. Работы посвящены поиску оптимальных показаний к миниинвазивным методам лечения при первичном раке печени, анализу возможностей современных методов лечения осложненного первичного рака печени, сравнительному анализу результатов лапароскопических резекций печени, прогнозированию течения первичного рака печени, оценке лечения фоновых заболеваний гепатоцеллюлярного рака, вопросам трансплантации печени.

Ключевые слова:
первичный рак печени, лечение, прогноз течения, трансплантация, hepatocellular cancer, treatment, prognosis, transplantation

1.Wu L., Huang B.I.N., Cheng H. Accurate preoperative discrimination of small intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic livers with multiphase dynamic magnetic resonance imaging: a prospective cohort study. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 181.
2.Zambri A., Koong J., Koh P., Yoong B. Relationship of serum alpha feto-protein and viral hepatitis with hepatocellular caercinoma in multi-ethnic population: a single institution review. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 154.
3.Miura J.T., Groeschl R.T., Johnston F.M., Tsai S., Christians K.K., Turaga K.K., Gamblin T.C. Surgical resection versus ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma less than 3 cm: a population based analysis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 127.
4.Yin L., Zhou W., Lau W., Lai E., Wu M. Partial hepatectomy versus transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for resectable multiple hepatocellular carcinoma beyond Milan criteria: a RTC. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 11.
5.Cheng X., Sun P.I.N.G. Transrterial (chemo) embolization for curative resection of the hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 55.
6.Jianyong L., Yan L.N., Wang W.T. Response to transarterial chemoembolization may serve as selection criteria for hepatocellular carcinoma liver transplantation. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 241.
7.Chin Y.Y.B., Teo C.F.S., Chow P.K.H., Koh Y.X., Lim K.C., Allen J.C. Yttrium-90 selective internal radiation therapy confers similar and potentially better survival outcomes to liver resection in hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 221.
8.Chung J., Kim K., Lee O., Lee O., Kim H. Feasibility and outcomes of laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy: comparison with open liver lrft lateral sectionectomy. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 184.
9.Ei S., Itano O., Abe Y., Shinoda M., Kitago M., Hibi T., Yagi H., Kitagawa Y. Pure laparoscopic anatomical liver resection with upfront nransection of the tumorbearing portal pedicle. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 202.
10.Nakahira S., Takeda Y., Katsura Y., Kato T., Hatanaka N., Tamura S. Short and middle term outcomes after laparoscopic versus open liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 204.
11.Kilburn D., Chiow A., Cavallucci D., Nathanson L., Bryant R., O’Rourke N. Laparoscopic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma: the Brisbane experience. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 211.
12.Kim S., Kim H.J. The comparison of oncologic and clinical outcomes of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 36.
13.Kasai M., Hilal M. Laparoscopic right hepatectomy versus open right hepatectomy: meta-analysis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 77.
14.Tay C., Iyer S.G., Kow A.W.C., Madhavan K., Chang S.K.Y. Long-term oncological safety of minimally invasive hepatectomy in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a casecontrol study. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 226.
15.Ahn K., Kang K.J., Kim Y.H., Kim T.S., Park T.J., Lilm T.J. A propensity score-matched case-control comparative study of laparoscopic and open liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 227.
16.Leong W.Q., Ganpathi I.S., Kow A.W., Madhavan K.K., Chang S.K.Y. Comparing surgical outcomes of laparoscopic versus open liver resection as a curative treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 264.
17.You Y., Kim E.Y., Lee S.H., Lee J.S., Park S.K., Han J.H., Na G.H., Choi H.J., Hong T.H., Yoon Y.C., Kim D.G., Park J.H., Lee S.K., Kim S.J., Park I.Y., Ryeu D.D., Kim K.W., Baek K.Y., Park J.W. Single center experience of 120 single-port laparoscopic liver resections. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 278.
18.Cho H.D., Kim K.H., Hwang S., Ahn C.S., Moon D.B., Ha T.Y., Song G.W., Jung D.H., Park G.C., Lee S.G. Comparative study of pure laparoscopic versus open left hemihepatectomy using multivariate analysis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 139.
19.Jang J.Y., Choi H.L., Lee W.H., Shin H.K., Choi Y.R., Cho J.Y., Yoon Y.S., Han H.S. Comparative study of totally laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma between anterolateral and posterosuperior lesions. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 142.
20.Nomi T., David F.U.K.S., Mehendran G., Kenichiro A., Ogiso S., Nakajima Y. Postoperative outcomes after pure laparoscopic major hepatectomy: experience of a single center. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 143.
21.Kang S.H., Kim K.H. Surgical outcomes after laparoscopic major hepatectomy for various liver diseases. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 145.
22.Shibuya K., Matsui K., Yoshioka I., Sekine S., Hashimoto I., Hojo S., Hori R., Okumura T., Nagata T., Tsukada K. Current status of laparoscopic hepatectomy and our technique for safety operation. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 154.
23.Koh P.S., Chan A.C., Cheung T.T., Chok K.S., Dai W.C., Poon R.T., Lo C.M. Oncological efficacy of radiofrequency ablation anf transarterial chemoembolization for treatment of recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma: a 10-year comparative survival analysis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 13.
24.Zhen xiao T., Zhi wei Z.H. The therapeutic effects of transarterial chemoembolization and local regioanal therapy for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 173.
25.Jing X., Ding J., Liu J., Wang Y., Wang F., Wang Y., Du Z. Comparison of two different thermal techniques for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 47.
26.Chan Y., Wang C., Kabiling C., Aguilar G., Vinod P., Lin T., Li W. Survival comparison between surgical resection and transarterial embolization for hepatocellular carcinoma more than 10 cm - a propensity score model. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 121.
27.Zhang W., Wang X., Yuan G., Chen X. Risk factors associated with mortality and recurrence for patients with huge hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 96.
28.Chok S., Cheung T., Chan C., Dai W., Tsang S., Wong T., Chan S., Poon R., Lo C. En-block resection of hepatocellular carcinoma with surrounding organs. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 112.
29.Yun S., Kim H., Lee D., Kim M. Results of neoadjuvant hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy in inoperable HCC patients with Child-Pugh class. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 116.
30.Moon D., Lee S.G., Lee Y.J., Hwang S., Kim K.H., Ha T.Y., Song G.W., Ahn C.S., Jung D.H., Park G.C., Lim T.H., Kang W.H., Kim S.H. Surgical outcomes in hepatocellular carcinoma patients with portal vein tumor thrombosis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 160.
31.Palaniappan K., Shrivastava M., Bharathan A., Govil S., Narashiman G., Reddy S., Kota V., Rela M. Surgical management of hepatocellular carcinoma with cavo-atrial tumor thrombus. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 121.
32.Sivasubramaniam V., Balaraman K., Pitchaimuthu A., Perumal S., Rajendran K., Ramasamy R.A.V.I., Sathyanesan J., Palaniappan R., Govindan M. Hepatocellular carcinoma with bile duct thrombi in non cirrhotic livers: is aggressive surgery wothwile? A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 22.
33.Govindhan M., Uma Maheshwaran M., Ravi R., Senthilkumar P., Kamalakannan R., Kesavan B., Anbalagan P., Jeswanth S., Ravichandran P. Ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma - outcomes of multidisciplinary approach in an Indian tertiary care center. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 213.
34.Hung K., Chen Y., Hsieh P., Hsieh K., Wei C., Lee H., Chou S., Tsai M., Hung C., Lee P. Hepatectomy on the prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor rupture. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 242.
35.Park G.C., Hwang S., Ahn C.S., Moon D.B., Ha T.Y., Song G.W., Jung D.H., Lee S.G. New surgical procedure, splenic devascularization is an alternative procedure to splenectomy in patient with hypersplenism secondary to liver cirrhosis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 133.
36.Wang Q., Luo H.P., Zhang B.X. Case controlled study on simultaneous hepatectomy and splenectomy or hepatectomy alone in patients with chronic hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma and portal hypertension. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 182.
37.Sun P., Dong X., Cheng X., Hu Q., Zheng Q. Nucleot(s)ide analogues for hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma after curative treatment: a systematic review and metaanalysis. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 53.
38.Chong C., Wong G., Fong A., Cheung S., Wong J., Lee K., Wong V., Chan H., Lai P. Pre-operative use of antivital therapy improves perioperative surgical outcomes in patients with hepatitis B virus related hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing major and minor hepatectomy. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 170.
39.Liang B, Huang Z., Chen X. Histological severity of cirrhosis determinates long-term outcomes of liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 79.
40.Jung B., Hwang S., Lee S., Lee Y., Kim K., Ahn C., Moon D., Ha T., Song G. Survival analysis following curative resection of hepatocellular carcinoma according to causes of background liver pathology. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 162.
41.Eu E.W.C., Leong J.W.H., Allen J.C., Cheow P.C., Chan C.Y., Goh B.K.P., Lee V.T.W., Chung A.Y.F., Ooi L.L.P.J., Chow P.K.H. Differences in outcomes between hepatitis B and C patients after surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma in an Asian centre. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 197.
42.Hiwatashi K., Ueno S., Sakoda M., Iino S., Minami K.O.J.I., Kurahara H., Yuko M., Kosei M., Shinchi H., Natsugoe S. Problems of long survival following surgery in patients with nonBnonC-HCC: comparison with HBV and HCV related-HCC. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 125.
43.Shiba H., Horiuchi T., Sakamoto T.A.R.O., Furukawa K., Iwase R., Shirai Y., Iida T., Fujiwara Y., Haruki K., Yanaga K. Glasgow prognostic score predicts therapeutic outcome after hepatic resection for heatocellular carcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 5.
44.Okuno M., Ebata T., Yokoyama Y., Igami T., Sugawara G., Mizuno T., Yamaguchi J., Nagino M. A comparative study on inflammation-based prognostic scores in patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 22.
45.Jun E., Kim S., Song K., Lee J., Hwang D., Hwang J., Lee D., Lee J., Shin S., Kim H., Park K., Lee Y. The Glasgow prognostic score to predict the long term survival and prognosis is a more predictable factors in locally advanced pancreatic cancer. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 208.
46.Nomoto S., Sonohara F., Inokawa Y., Kanda M., Sugimoto H., Fujiwara M., Koike M., Fujii T., Kodera Y. Risk factors for recurrence free survival after curative hepatectomy in hepatocellular carcinoma, a prediction of recurrence’s term and type. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 89.
47.Mori S., Shimoda M., Shiraki T., Iso Y., Kato M., Kubota K. Prognostic nutrition index and anatomical hepatectomy are associated with postoperative survival of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with normal preoperative levels of AFP and PIVKA-II. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 4.
48.Siriwardana R., Niriella M.A., Liyanage C.A.H., Dassanayake A.S., Gunathilake B., De Silva H.J. Diffuse type hepatoma in a cohort of alcogolic and cryptogenic cirrotics. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 168.
49.Sakamoto Y., Kokudo N., Matsuyama Y., Izumi N., Ichida T., Ku Y., Kudo M., Sakamoto M., Takayama T., Nakashima O., Matsu O. A proposal of a new staging system for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: analysis of 759 surgical patients from a nationwide survey of liver cancer study group of Japan. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 8.
50.Kwon W., Lee H.S., Park J.Y., Youn S.M., Heo J.S., Choi S.H. Choi D.W. Risk factors of intrahepatic chlangiocarcinoma revised. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 16.
51.Park S., Han S.S., Kim S.H., Lee S.D., Yun S.F., Lee S.A., Kang Y.W., Lee M.Y., Woo S.M., Lee W.J. Outcomes of recurred patients after curative resection of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 148.
52.Kokudo T., Hasegawa K., Uldry E., Kaneko J., Akamatsu N., Sakamoto Y., Demartines N., Sugawara Y., Kokudo N., Halkic N. A new formula for calculating standard liver volume without using body weight. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 6.
53.Lau L.F., Jones R., Riddiough G., Starkey G., M.Fink A., Wang B.Z., Christophi C., Lokan J., Asadi K., Muralidharan V. Indocyanine green clearance is a useful tool for assessing brain dead donor liver function. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 203.
54.Yusuke F., Fujita Y., Shinoda M., Itano O., Obara H., Hibi T., Hoshino K.E.N., Kuroda T., Kitagawa Y.U.K.O. Recent selection criteria of patients for living donor liver transplantation - the impact of donor age on recipient survival. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 219.
55.Kim S., Shin H., Song G., Jung D., Ha T., Park G., Ahn C., Moon D., Kim K., Lee S. Long-term outcome of ischemia-type biliary stricture in liver living donors. A-HPBA-2015-Abstracts. P. 130.

Modern Trends in Liver and Pancreatic Surgery. Chapter 1. Hepatocellular and Intrahepatic Cholangiocellular Cancer Surgery and Liver Transplantation. Overview of 5th Congress of Asian-Pacific HPBA

Efanov M. G., Stepanova Y. A., Ionkin D. A.

It is presented the review of the most relevant and evidentiary materials of the 5th Congress of A-HPBA. The works are devoted to optimal indications for mini-invasive treatment of HCC, current possibilities of management of complicated HCC, comparative analysis of the results of laparoscopic liver resections, prognosis of primary liver cancer course, treatment of background liver diseases and questions of liver transplantation.

первичный рак печени, лечение, прогноз течения, трансплантация, hepatocellular cancer, treatment, prognosis, transplantation

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