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МЫ ПЕРЕЕХАЛИ! Новый адрес - ул.Покровка, д.41стр.2 |
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1.Вагнер Е.А., Журавлев В.А., Корепанов В.И. Инструментальная диагностика очаговых заболеваний печени. Пермь: Перм. кн. изд-во, 1981. 182 с.
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This article is devoted to the application of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosis of the alveolar hydatid liver disease (AHLD). Typical CT and MRI characteristics were described. Diagnostic validity of CT and MR was examined in each of main constituents of AHLD. Thus, CT and MRI are highly informative methods for diagnosis of AHLD.