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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2003 год << №4 <<

Компьютерно-томографическая ангиография в диагностике опухолевой инвазии сосудов при раке желудка

Тухбатуллин М. Г., Марданова С.Б.
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Тухбатуллин Мунир Габдулфатович - кафедра лучевой диагностики, Казанская государственная медицинская академия,
Марданова С.Б. - Городской онкологический диспансер, г. Казань
Адрес для корреспонденции: Тухбатуллин Мунир
Габдулфатович – тел.: (8432) 64-46-77.

Ключевые слова:

1.Черенков В.Г. Клиническая онкология М.: ВУНМЦ МЗ РФ, 1999. С. 134.
2.Давыдов М.И., Абдихакимов А.Н., Полоцкий Б.Е. и др. К вопросу о роли хирургии в лечении местнораспространенного и диссеминированного рака желудка // Анналы хирургии. 2002. № 2. С. 33-41.
3.Halvorsen R.A., Yee J., McCormic V.D. Diagnosis and staging of gastric cancer // Semin. Oncol. 1996. V. 3. № 23. P. 325-335.
4.Loyer E.M., David C.L., Dubrow R.A. et al. Vascular involvement in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: reassessment by thin-section CT // Abdom. Imaging. 1996. V. 21. P. 202-206.
5.Lee D.H., Seo T.S., Ko Y.T. Spiral CT of the gastric carcinoma: Staging and enhancement pattern // Clinical imaging. 2001. V. 25. № 1. P. 32-37.
6.Conlon K.C., Karpeh M.S., Jr. Laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasound in the staging of gastric cancer // Semin. Oncol. 1996. № 23. P. 347-351.
7.Mani N.B., Suri S., Gupta S. Two-phase dynamic contrastenhanced computed tomography with water-filling method for staging of gastric carcinoma // Clinical imaging. 2001. V. 25. № 1. P. 38-43

CT Angiography in Preoperative Assessment of Vessels Involvement in Gastric Cancer

Tukhbatullin M.G., Mardanova S.B.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of CTA technique in preoperative assessment of vessels involvement in gastric cancer. Angio-CT was done in 40 patients and the findings were compared with surgery. Ultravist (Schering, Germany) contrast medium was administered intravenously. CTA criteria for estimation of vessels drawing into tumors and the role of contrast enhancement in determining the degree of tumor invasion in vessels were demonstrated. Analysis of the angiograms has demonstrated that CTA has a sensitivity of 85,7%, specificity of 94%, accuracy of 89% in recognition of vessels tumor invasion. The use of CTA reduces indications for conventional angiography.


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