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1.Аксель Е.М., Двойрин В.В., Трапезников Н.Н. // Статистика злокачественных новообразований в России и некоторых других странах СНГ. М., 1997. С. 300.
2.Зольдерланд Г.М. // Маммология. 1995. № 1. С. 12-22.
3.Линденбратен Л.Д., Бурдина Л.М., Пинхосевич Е.Г. Маммография: Учебный атлас. М.: Видар, 1997. 128 с.
4.Рожкова Н.И., Харченко В.П., Якобс Л.Ц. Современный взгляд на диагностику узловой мастопатии // Вестник рентгенол., радиол. 1995. № 6. С. 15-18.
5.Фролов И.М. Возможности прицельной пункционной биопсии молочной железы // Возможности современной лучевой диагностики в медицине. М., 1995. С. 166-167.
6.Харченко В.П., Рожкова Н.И. // Лучевая диагностика заболеваний молочной железы, лечение и реабилитация. Вып. 1. Лучевая и инструментальная диагностика заболеваний молочной железы. М., 2000. С. 112.
7.Школьник Л.Д., Калашникова Ю.И., Минашкина Е.В. Микрокальцинаты как симптом доклинического рака молочной железы // Актуальные вопросы клинических и научных работ по медицине. М., 1999. С. 217-218.
8.Bagnall M.J., Evans A.J., Wilson A.R. et al. Predicting invasion in mammographically detected microcalcification // Clinical Radiology. 2001. V. 56. № 10. P. 828-832.
9.Gavrielides M.A., Lo J.Y., Floyd C.E. Parameter optimization of a computer-aided diagnosis scheme for the segmentation of microcalcification clusters in mammograms // Med. Phys. 2002. V. 29. № 4. P. 475-483.
10.Grunert J.H., Barbey M., Berndt G. DIMA enlargement mammography in microcalcifications: a prospective study with ROC analysis // European Radiology. 2001. V. 11. P. 284-291.
11.Hermann K.P., Obenauer S., Funke M. et al. Magnofocation mammography: a comparison of full-field digital mammography and screen-film mammography for the detection of simulated small masses and microcalcifications // European Radiology. 2002. P. 2180-2187.
12.Moritz J.D., Luftner-Nagel S., Westerhof J.P. Microcalcifications in breast core biopsyspeciment: disappearance at radiography after storage in formaldegide // Radiology. 1996. V. 200. P. 361-363.
The aim of the investigation was to increase the diagnostic efficiency of mammary cancer caused by microcalcinates, as mammary diseases with calcium aggregations on a limited area, sized 50-600 x 10 -6 m, not disposed to conglomerates formation and without visible nodes on roentgenogram, can be considered as manifestations of sclerous adenosis or nonpalpable cancer. 4500 women, aged 15-83 years old, were investigated. Calcinates were detected in mammary glands of 207 patients, 39 having microcalcium aggregations without nodes on roentgenogram, where cancer was diagnosed in 71.8% (28 cases) and sclerous adenosis - in 28.2% (11 cases). Clinical method, mammography and sonography with application of methods of interventional radiology and pathomorphology were used for investigations. As a result, some indications typical for diseases of malignant and benign origin, accompanied with microcalcinates on a limited area without visible node on roentgenogram, were developed, assisting in 80% of the cases to compose correct preoperative conclusion.