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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Поиск по всем журналам: медицинская << очистить поиск << Медицинская визуализация << 2005 год << №2 <<

Магнитно-резонансная томография в выявлении причин деменции

О.В. Божко*, Н.Ю. Саватеева*, Т.А. Ахадов**
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
* Научный центр психического здоровья при РАМН. ** ЦКБ РАН.
Адрес для корреспонденции: Божко Ольга Васильевна – тел.: (095) 631-58-90.

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MRI Assisted Revealing the Causes of Dementia

O.V. Bozhko, N.Yu. Savateeva, and T.A. Akhadov

We analyzed the results of MRI of 50 patients with primarily detected symptoms of a dementia. At more careful psychiatric survey the syndrome of a dementia was excluded in 6 cases. In the rest 44 patients (22 men, 22 women, age of 50–90 years, middle age 73.3) the presumable Alzheimer's dementia was diagnosed in 21 person, a vascular dementia – in 15 person, a combined vascularatrophic dementia – in 5 ones, and dementias of an obscure genesis – in 3 person. In 23 from 44 patients (52%) the data of MRI affected the initial diagnosis, namely allowed to reveal a tumor of a brain, or to specify a character of vascular and atrophic processes in demented patients. The authors consider, that MRI is necessary to fulfilled in all patient, suffering from a dementia. MRI allows revealing others diseases, except for primary degenerative ones, which can cause dementia. MRI data give an essential help in specifying the diagnose allowing an in time correction of therapy and making a prognosis. The assessment of their diagnostic significance requires a complex analysis taking into account a clinical manifestation and results of others examinations methods.


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