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Магнитно-резонансная томография в диагностике первичных злокачественных опухолей кости

Ф. Тодуа, С. Кахадзе, К. Лашхи, М. Барамия
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
НИИ Медицинской Радиологии, Тбилиси, Грузия
Адрес для корреспонденции: Тодуа Фридон Иполлитович – тел.: (99532) 94-02-89. E-mail: radiag@mail.ru

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnostics of Initial Malignant Tumors of a Bone

F. Todua, S. Kakhadze, K. Lashhi, and M. Baramiya

Early diagnostics of bone tumors represents one of the most actual problems of the modern orthopedy, oncology and radiology. Classical X-ray radiography remains a commonly used initial method of diagnostics of the skeletal tumors. With introduction of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into clinical practice visualization and diagnostics of initial bone tumors has greatly improved. The majority of explorers believe, that abilities of the MRI are confined only to definition of the extent of tumorous spread in a bone and around it, specifying its localization especially in complex anatomical regions, evaluation of the medullar canal, and defining of a sarcoma's relation with a neurovascular bunch. The object of our research was to define informativity of the MRI in complex diagnostics of bone tumors. 67 patients (48 men (71,6 %), 19 women (28,4 %)) with an initial malignant bone tumor were examined. Among them osteosarcoma were diagnosed in 35 cases, a chondrosarcoma – in 9 cases, Ewing's sarcoma – in 16 and lymphoma – in 7 cases. The age of the patients ranged from 8 till 52 years. MRI was fulfilled on “Magnetom Open” scanner (“Siemens”). In all of the cases MRI was performed after traditional roentgenography. Radionuclide scintigraphy (including 3 phase examination) was performed at 35 patients. All MRI findings were compared to morphological examination of a tissue sample, taken at operation or at prior trepanobiopsy. The conclusion was made, that magnetic resonance provides a peculiar imaging of the marrow in comparison with other techniques of the diagnostic imaging, which reflect only a bone response to a tumor. It is possible to differentiate malignant and benign tumor, to establish precisely the sizes, structure and localization of a tumor including its spread to surrounding soft tissues, joints. All these enable a target trepanobiopsy or at least to define a site of puncture for performed biopsy. The preceding has a great importance for a choice of an appropria


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