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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2006 год << №1 <<

Синдромы острой респираторной недостаточности легких в рентгенологическом изображении (Отек легких и дистресс-синдром)

П.В. Власов, А.А. Барышников, Ж.В. Шейх, Я.Х. Евлоева
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
1: Кафедра лучевой диагностики Института повышения квалификации. 2: Больница № 83 Федерального медико-биологического агенства. 3: ГКБ им. С.П. Боткина, г. Москва.
Адрес для корреспонденции: Власов Павел Васильевич – тел.: (495) 190-52-58.

Ключевые слова:


X-ray Appearance of Lungs at the Acute Respiratory Failure Syndromes (Pulmonary Edema and Adult Respiratory Distress-syndrome)

P.V. Vlasov, А.А. Baryshnikov, Zh.V. Sheikh, and Ya.H. Evloeva

The article presents two syndromes of the acute respiratory failure, similar on pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and X-ray pattern: a pulmonary edema and adult respiratory distress-syndrome. The author aimed at depicting of a resemblance and distinguishes of the both states. A review of the extensive literature shows that both syndromes arising from the various illnesses with crisis clinical course. There are three main mechanisms through which a pulmonary edema arises: cardiac, realizing through rising of a hydrostatic pressure; hyperhydration, followed by a delay of salt and water in an intersticium resulted to a decrease of the blood osmotic pressure, and a hyperpermeability of a capillary wall resulting from a damage of the blood-air barrier by exogenous or endogenous toxins. Adult respiratory distress-syndrome is a pulmonary edema arising from the expressed intoxication and damage of the alveolar epithelium. The X-ray pattern of the respiratory failure has much common with pulmonary edema. The article presents various variants of X-ray appearance of pulmonary edema and adult distress-syndrome. However, some criteria of differential diagnosis, picked by some authors are rather unreliable, as meet at both states.


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