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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Поиск по всем журналам: медицинская << очистить поиск << Медицинская визуализация << 2006 год << №2 <<

Сравнение информативности традиционной компьютерной томографии и КТВР в выявлении симптомов туберкулезного воспаления легких

З.А. Льянова, М.Ф. Проскурина, А.Л. Юдин
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Российский Государственный Медицинский Университет и Медицинский факультет Ингушского Государственного Университета
Адрес для корреспонденции: Юдин Андрей Леонидович – тел.: (495) 465-84-27.

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Comparison of an Accuracy of HRCT and Conventional CT in a Revealing of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Z.A. L'yanova, M.F. Proskurina, and A.L. Yudin

The purpose of this investigation was to compare the two methods in order to evaluate their reliability with particular interest for the diagnostic role of high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) in the identification of the pulmonary tuberculosis. 190 HRCT and conventional CT scans (with collimation of 8–10 mm) of 75 patients with different forms of pulmonary tuberculosis were evaluated independently by three observers. The observers recorded the abnormalities, a diagnosis, and a degree of confidence in diagnosis. After carrying out a comparative description analysis it became possible to arrive at the following conclusion. HRCT was superior to conventional CT in detecting small nodular shadows, especially less then 3 mm in diameter. HRCT was superior to conventional CT in evaluation of nodules distribution. HRCT was superior to conventional CT in detecting thickening of interstitial fiber network of the lung. HRCT was superior to conventional CT in detecting and understanding the ground glass opacity. The degree of intra- and interobserver agreements was higher for HRCT. Thus, the application of HRCT added helpful elements in almost all of the cases examined demonstrating to be more effective than conventional CT in the identification of pleuroparenchymal lesions at pulmonary tuberculosis.


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