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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Возможности сцинтиграфии с меченными коллоидными комплексами 99mTс лейкоцитами в диагностике гонитов различной этиологии

В.Д. Завадовская, М.А. Зоркальцев, О.Ю. Килина, А.В. Ходашинская, А.П. Куражов
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Сибирский Государственный медицинский университет Федерального агентства по здравоохранению и социальному развитию
Адрес для корреспонденции: Завадовская Вера Дмитриевна – тел.: (3822) 53-20-31, факс: (3822) 53-33-09.

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Utility of Scintigraphy with Leucocytes Labeled by 99mTc Colloid Complexes in Diagnosis of Gonites of Different Etiology

V.D. Zavadovskaya, M.A. Zorkaltsev, O.Yu. Kilina, A.V. Khodashinskaya, and A.P. Kourazhov

To assess the informativity of scintigraphy with leucocytes labeled by 99mTc colloid complexes in diagnosis of knee-joint arthritis of different etiology and inflammation's extent we performed 106 examinations in 89 patients having joint syndrome in rheumatoid (n = 7), psoriatic (n = 5), podagric (n = 4), reactive (n = 3) arthrites, and also in Bekhterev disease (n = 7), brucellosis (n = 2), system lupus erythematosus (n = 2) and osteoarthrosis (n = 7). Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the scintigraphy were 100%, 100% and 100% correspondingly in the group with an advanced picture of arthritis (48 joints), but in the group with a suspected latent gonitis (164 joints) – 84%, 100% and 91% correspondingly. Statistically significant relations of inflammation criteria with the scintigraphy results were revealed. Analyzing the results of scintigraphy in dependence on nosological type of the disease we revealed patterns, which were in agreement with literature data concerning localization and a nature of joint lesion in different diseases. Thus scintigraphy with leucocytes labeled by 99mTc colloid complexes allows diagnosing both manifested and concealed inflammation in a joint.


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