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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Цветовое дуплексное сканирование в оценке госпитальных результатов рентгеноэндоваскулярных операций на подвздошных артериях

В.П. Харченко*, П.М. Котляров*, Е.Д. Малютина**, А.В. Троицкий**
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
* ФГУ Российский научный центр рентгенорадиологии Росздрава, Москва ** ФГУЗ клиническая больница № 83 ФМБА России – Центр сосудистой хирургии, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Малютина Елена Дмитриевна. 115682 Москва, Ореховый бульвар, д.28, КБ № 83, тел. (495) 395-61-97, 397-80-60 (26-77). Факс 395-64-30.

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Results of Endovascular Interventions at Iliac Arteries in Early Postoperative Period Evaluated by Color Duplex Scanning

V.P. Harchenko, P.M. Kotlyarov, E.D. Malutina, A.V. Troitsky

The purpose of the study was the assessment of color duplex scanning as a method of control for transluminal angioplasty and stenting iliac artery in early postoperative period. Materials and methods. 109 primary endovascular interventions were performed on iliac arteries of 92 patients. 97 stents, including 8 endografts Hemobahn or Viabahn, were implanted. The results of operations were assessed by clinical and Doppler examination with measurement anklebrachial index, color duplex scanning and angiography in intra- and/or postoperative period. Results. The primary success of operation was achieved in 98,2% and 88% according to angiography and Duplex scanning respectively. The hemodynamic significant complications were revealed in 12% and were considered as indication to redo endovascular interventions or open reconstructive surgery. Conclusion. Frequent asymptomatic complications after endovascular interventions require an obligate duplex scanning in early postoperative period. Color Duplex scanning is a method of choice for postoperative follow up of operated arteries.


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