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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Лучевая диагностика септической эмболии легких у пациентов с гнойными заболеваниями челюстно-лицевой области

И.М Королева, И.А. Соколина, З.А. Лемешко, С.С. Ганина, Н.И. Кокина
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Московская медицинская академия им. И.М. Сеченова
Адрес для корреспонденции: Лемешко Зинаида Ароновна – тел. (495) 248-38-17.

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Diagnostic Imaging of Septic Lungs Emboli with Patients with Purulent Diseases of Maxillofacial Region

I.M. Koroleva, I.A. Sokolina, Z.A. Lemeshko, S.S. Ganina, N.I. Kokina

The purulent diseases of a maxillofacial region often result to a septic trombophlebitis of an internal jugular vein complicated with septic lungs emboli. We made a comparative analysis of traditional plain film radiography of a thorax and the results of a spiral computed tomography, performed at 20 patients with septic lungs emboli, resulted from purulent diseases of maxillofacial region. A routine CT examination of a thorax at 9 patients was supplemented with high resolution CT and at 5 patients with abdominal scanning to specify changes in posterior basal lungs segments and to exclude fluid encapsulations in pleural sinuses. In 11 cases we performed a CT angiopulmonography with contrast enhancement by 100 ml of nonionic contrast agent (omnipaque or ultravist) and upper CT phlebography. Spiral CT angiopulmonography was performed on a spiral scanner (HiSpeed/CTi) “GE” using a protocol of our design. The patients' age ranged from 16 till 65 years old (mean 33,7 ± 12,3 лет) with male dominated – 85%. Purulent diseases of a maxillofacial region were the followings: carbuncles of face's soft tissues (8), furuncles of face's soft tissues (2), odontogenous phlegmona of the soft tissues of a face and a neck (9), submandibular and oral cavity abscesses (1), and chronic odontogenous osteomielitis of a mandibular (1). Spiral CT is a high-sensitive method of early diagnostics of septic lungs emboli that should be performed to all patients with purulent inflammation of a maxillofacial region independently on the results of plain film radiography. The sensitivity of a spiral CT and traditional plain film radiography in detection of septic lungs emboli came to 100% and 37,5% respectively. A combination of hematogenic septic lesions and wedge-shaped subpleural infarcts in a lung tissue is a reliable sign of lungs septic emboli. A complex of diagnostic procedures at patients with purulent diseases of a maxillofacial region should include ultrasonography of neck vessels and a spira


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