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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Поиск по всем журналам: медицинская << очистить поиск << Медицинская визуализация << 2007 год << №1 <<

Аспирационная и тканевая биопсия опухолей переднего средостения под контролем рентгеноскопии, сонографии и компьютерной томографии

А.Л. Юдин, М.Ф. Проскурина, Ф. Фархат, В.А. Кузьмичев, В.А. Зарицкая
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Кафедра лучевой диагностики и лучевой терапии с курсом лучевой диагностики ФУВ РГМУ, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Юдин Андрей Леонидович – тел. (495) 465-84-27.

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Imaging'guided Biopsy of Anterior Mediastinal Masses: Fine Versus Cutting Needles

A.L. Yudin, M.F. Proskurina, F. Farhat, V.A. Kuz'michev, V.A. Zaritskaya

Purpose. To report the experience of a radiology department in the use of computed tomography, sonography and conventional radiography guided fine and cutting needles biopsies of mediastinal lesions with describing the difference between them. Methods. 83 fine and 74 cutting needles biopsies were performed in 83 patients with mediastinal tumors. Computed tomography guidance was used in 66 cases, sonography guidance – in 19 and conventional radiology guidance – in 72 cases. Results. Cutting-needle biopsy produced a higher percentage of adequate samples (100.0% versus 51.7%), and specific diagnosis (40.9% versus 85.1%) then fine-needle biopsy. Computed tomography guidance provides a high degree of diagnostic accuracy and low rate of biopsy-induced complications. Sonography guidance was an effective and safe alternative to computed tomography for guidance at biopsy of masses, adjoining a chest wall. Conclusion. Computed tomography guided cutting needles biopsy should be considered the procedure of choice in the initial exploration of patients with mediastinal masses. Radiologist should find sonographically guided mediastinal biopsy to be an attractive alternative to computed tomography guided mediastinal biopsy.


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