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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Поиск по всем журналам: э << очистить поиск << Медицинская визуализация << 2007 год << №3 <<

Форма альвеолярного ряда верхней челюсти у больных с врожденной расщелиной твердого неба в рамках фило- и онтогенеза (клинико-рентгенологические сопоставления)

Д.Э. Байков, Ф.Ф. Муфазалов, Л.П. Герасимова
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Республиканская детская клиническая больница, Уфа Башкирский государственный медицинский университет, Уфа
Адрес для корреспонденции: Байков Д.Э. – e-mail: rkod@mail.ru.

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The Form of Alveolar Row of the Upper Jaw at Patients With a Congenital Palatine Cleft in the View of Phylo- and Ontogenesis (Clinico!Radiological Relations)

D.E. Baikov, F.F. Mufazalov, L.P. Gerasimova

To answer a question of the form of alveolar row of the upper jaw at patients with a congenital palatine cleft in the view of phylo- and ontogenesis we analyzed a series of observations from our daily routine. We chose a group of 32 children and adolescents in the age of up to eighteen years old with the most frequent congenital anomaly of development – palatine cleft. Analyzing the submitted material we testified that a dentofacial anomaly, when progressing could be accompanied by formation of more archaic type of a constitution of some frames in this region. That means that an organism once genetically corrupted tries to return to the ancient, and “more tested and reliable” in the view of phylogenesis forms of constitution. Such anatomical variants are not characteristic for a whole species and you don't meet them at individuals, who are considered to be normal.


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