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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2007 год << №4 <<

МРТ-диагностика распростанености рака предстательной железы на высокопольном МР-томографе с использованием поверхностной катушки для тела

С.В. Китаев, К.А. Павленко, А.В. Кочин
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Клиническая больница № 6 Федерального медико-биологического агентства, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Китаев Сергей Вячеславович – тел: 8499-190-52-01; e-mail: sv_kitaev@yahoo.com.

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Diagnostics of Local Extension of a Prostate Cancer on a High Field MR-scanner with Surface CP Body Array

S.V. Kitaev, K.A. Pavlenko, A.V. Kochin

The object of our study was an estimation of the local spread of a prostate cancer. We examined 186 males administered for MRI because of a prostate cancer. Mean age was 65 ± 7 years. The examinations were performed on Magnetom Symphony 1.5 T scanner (“Siemens”) with CP surface body array. 76 patients were examined before transrectal biopsy, 110 – after. 29 patients with elevated PSA level, who didn't discover any signs of the cancer after transrectal biopsy, formed a control group. Radical prostatectomy was performed in 60 patients. Results. There were 88 men with the second, 51 – with the third and 20 – with the fourth stage of the disease. In 27 men with clinically T1–T2 stage of the disease we couldn't localize the lesion distinctly. Among the localized forms (115 men with T1 or T2 stage) we found a significant difference between a degree of the tumor differentiation in Gleason score (high, moderate, low) and its visualization (χ2 = 17.277, p less 0,001) as an area of hypointensive signal in T2/tse pulse sequence. The less a degree of the tumor's differentiation was, the better we could delineate the lesion's border. We didn't have any problem with visualization of the T3 and T4 stage tumors. The overall sensitivity for visualization of the prostate cancer was 85%, specificity – 76% and total accuracy – 84%. In the group with radical prostatectomy (60 patients) the sensitivity achieved 55%. Conclusion: MRI with CP surface body array could be used successfully for a definition of prostate cancer's extension. The sensitivity of the method is still quite low (53%) at localized forms of the disease with a high degree of tumor's differentiation.


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