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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Применение Mn-диэтилентриаминпентаацетата (ДТПА) для парамагнитного контрастирования при магнитно-резонансной томографии – результаты доклинических исследований и сравнения с Gd-ДТПА

В.Ю. Усов, М.Л. Белянин, О.Ю. Бородин, А.И. Безлепкин, К.Н. Сорокина, Т.А. Бахметьева, Г.В. Карпова, М. Првулович, В.Д. Филимонов
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
1-7: ГУ НИИ кардиол. и ГУ НИИ фармакол. Томского науч. центра СО РАМН, Россия 2,9: Химико-технологический фак. Томского политех. ун-та, Россия, 8: Институт за онколгиjу, Сремска Каменица, Сербия
Адрес для корреспонденции: Усов Владимир Юрьевич – 634012 Томск 12, ул. Киевская, 111а. ГУ НИИ кардиологии ТНЦ СО РАМН. Факс: 8 (3822)-55-50-57. E-mail : wolf@spect.tomsk.ru.

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Application of Manganese-diethylenetriaminpentaacetate (DTPA) as Paramagnetic Contrast Agent in MRI: Results of Preclinical Testing and Direct Comparison to Gd-DTPA

V.Yu. Usov, M.L. Belyanin, O.Yu. Borodin, A.I. Bezlepkin, K.N.Sorokina, T.A. Bahmet’yeva, G.V. Karpova, M. Prvulovic, V.D. Filimonov

The preclinical evaluation of the 0.5 M solution of the Manganese(II)-DTPA complex (™Pentamang) has been carried out in order to test the ability of Mangenese to be employed as substiute of potentially toxic Gadolinium in paramagnetic contrast agents for the MRI clinical routines. The toxicologic tests of the Mn(II)-DTPA were carried out in mouses, rats and rabbits. Liquid phantoms served for direct comparison of properties of the Mn(II)-DTPA to increase the intensity of T1-weighted SE-images with contrast properties of the Gd(III)-DTPA (Magnevist). Normal healthy rabbits (n = 12) were used for quantification of imaging abilities of the Mn(II)-DTPA. The LD50 in rabbits was over 10 ml/kg, essentially close to that one of Gd(III)-DTPA. The increase in intensity of the T1-weighted images induced by addition of the Mn(II)-DTPA did not differ significantly from the values obtained with Magnevist. Mn(II)-DTPA delivered prominent enhancement of normal kidneys in healthy rabbits as well as of malignant tumors in dogs. We conclude the Mn(II)-DTPA can be employed as paramagnetic contrast agent in routine MRI studies and is worth clinical testing.


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