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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Диагностика и малоинвазивное хирургическое лечение последствий травматических повреждений печени

Е.Э. Тюрюмина, В.А. Шантуров, Е.А. Чижова, А.Б. Мальцев, Р.Р. Гумеров
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Научный центр РВХ ВСНЦ СО РАМН, Иркутск
Адрес для корреспонденции: Тюрюмина Елена Эдуардовна – 664047 Иркутск, ул. Партизанская, д. 81, кв. 39. Тел.: (3952) 29-46-68.

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Diagnostics and Percutaneous Treatment of Consequences of Traumatic Damages of a Liver

E.E. Tjurjumina, V.A. Shanturov, E.A. Chighova, A.B. Maltsev, R.R. Gumerov

We analysed the results of diagnostics and treatment of 107 patients with liver damages of a various genesis (a blunt trauma of an abdomen – 44, a stab- wounds – 35, abdominal surgery – 28) at the age of from 14 till 73 years (middle age – 43 ± 6,7 years). We marked an essential predominance of young and middle age men over women (men – 74, women – 33). Analysis of the diagnostics of consequences of traumatic damages of a liver allows to conclude, that complex use of ultrasonography and computed tomography in the overwhelming majority of observations promotes a recognition not only a degree of gravity, a localization and dimensions of the traumatic lesion, but also a character of tissue substrate and its contamination. Low invasive surgical treatment, when led in proper time promotes an efficient contraction of intrahepatic damages, interferes abscess formation and allows facilitating the reparative processes' approaches.


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