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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2007 год << №5 <<

К вопросу о диагностике и хирургическом лечении арахноидальных кист головного мозга

Д.М. Ростовцев
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Государственное учреждение Российский нейрохирургический институт им. проф. А.Л. Поленова., Санкт-Петербург
Адрес для корреспонденции: Ростовцев Дмитрий Михайлович – e-mail: dcluch@chelmed.ru

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To a Question on Diagnostics and Surgical Treatment of Arachnoid Cysts of a Brain

D.M. Rostovtsev

A retrospective analysis of results of surgical treatment of 43 children (18 girls and 25 boys, in the age of 1 month till 17 years) had been made. To visualize the cysts we performed ultrasonography, CT, MRI and MR-angiography. To detect a connection between a cyst and normal liquor containing spaces we performed ascending spiral CT myelocystocysternoventriculography. In 21 case (48.8%) arachnoid cysts were isolated, in 12 (27.9%) – had a complete communication with liquor containing spaces, and in 2 cases – a partial communication. At 8 patients (18.6%) the myelography hadn't been performed. A conclusion was made, that for efficient treatment of patients with arachnoid cerebral cysts it's required a complex assessment of a clinical pattern of the disease and the methods of neuroimaging. Indications for surgical treatment of arachnoid brain cysts are a steady hypertension, hydrocephaly, medications resistant paroxysmal syndrome, if a localization of an epileptogenic center coincides with a localizationof of an arachnoid cyst.


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