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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Чрескатетерная артериальная химиоэмболизация неоперабельного гепатоцеллюлярного рака

Э.Р. Виршке, Б.И. Долгушин, Г.А. Кучинский, Е.М. Рощин, Г.С. Мкртчян
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
ГУ РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина РАМН, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Виршке Эдуард Рейнгольдович – тел.: (495) 324-24-14.

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Arterial Embolization of an Inoperable Hepatocellular Cancer

Ae.R. Virshke, B.I. Dolgushin, G.A. Kruchinsky, E.M. Roschin, G.S. Mkrtchan

Introduction: The most of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at the moment of revelation are considered inoperable. At the same time chemotherapy becomes effective only in no more then 15–20%, that justifies introduction of methods of regional endovascular treatment, which is an oil chemoembolization. Material and methods: Among 1144 patients with focal liver lesions in 239 ones the primary malignant lesions were discovered. 130 from 196 patients were considered inoperable generally by the reason of a bilobar lesion. A conservative treatment had been administered to them. 59 patients were underwent to an oil chemoembolization as both alone and in combination with others methods of medicinal treatment. At 36 patients with an inoperable HCC intra-arterial chemoembolization was performed 2–12 times with 6–8 weeks intervals between courses. Overall 169 chemoembolizations there had been performed. To achieve embolization of timorous vessels we used lipoiodol ultra fluid. Most of the patients received monotherapy with doxorubicine and doxorubicine-estrone. Results: Ten patients (27.8%) were discovered objective results in the form of a decrease of tumors' sizes. 50% of the patients showed one-year survival, 23.5% – 2-years survival. Complications, concerned with super-selective catheterization and regional cytostatic agents' injection, followed by were observed at 10 patients, which compounded 6% from overall number of chemoembolizations. Conclusion: Oil chemoembolization was effective at more than ? of our patients, in spite of the expressed bilobar liver lesions in the most of them.


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