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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Диагностика нарушений венозного кровообращения головного мозга у пациентов с гипертонической болезнью

Н.Л. Афанасьева, В.Ф. Мордовин, Г.В. Семке, П.И. Лукьяненок
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
ГУ “НИИ кардиологии Томского научного центра” СО РАМН
Адрес для корреспонденции: Афанасьева Наталья Леонидовна – 634012, Томск, ул. Киевская, 111А, Институт кардиологии, отделение артериальных гипертоний, тел. 8 (3822) 558122. E-mail: afnatalko@mail.ru.

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Diagnostics of Cerebral Venous Blood Circulation Disturbances at Hypertensive Patients

N.L. Afanas’eva, V.F. Mordovin, G.V. Semke, P.I. Luk’yanenok

The purpose of our research was the evaluation of cerebral venous blood circulation at hypertensive patients. 72 patients with an essential hypertension of I–II stage, 42 men and 30 women, aged between 28–60 years, were followed-up in the study. MR-venography of a brain was performed to all of the patients. At 43 (60%) patients the structural abnormalities of cerebral venous blood circulation were revealed. At 57 (79.2%) patients asymmetry of the main venous collectors was found: at 37 (51.3%) patients the right veins and sinuses were mainly enlarged, and at 20 (27.7%) ones – the left. 4 (5.5%) patients had an easy asymmetry, 14 (19.4%) – an obvious asymmetry. The expressed asymmetry was found at 29 patients (40.3%). At 10 (14%) patients the asymmetry was marked. Thus, the majority of hypertensive patients have structural signs of cerebral venous blood circulation disturbances, expressed in an asymmetry of the main venous collectors and an expansion of superficial cerebral veins.


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