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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Изменения экстраокулярных мышц и ретробульбарной клетчатки у больных отечным экзофтальмом в свете компьютерной томографии

А.Ф. Бровкина**, Г.Г. Кармазановский*, О.Ю. Яценко**
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
* ФГУ “Институт хирургии им. А.В. Вишневского Росмедтехнологий”, ** Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Кармазановский Григорий Григорьевич – тел. (495) 237-37-64, e-mail: karmazanovsky@ixv.comcor.ru.

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Changes in Retrobulbar fat and Muscles at Patients with Edematous Exophthalmus from the Point of View of a Computed Tomography

A.F. Brovkina, G.G. Karmazanovsky, O.Yu. Yatsenko

We analyzed the CT scans of 38 patients (76 orbits) with edematous exophthalmus (EE). There were 12 men and 26 women. 9 patients had an active (infiltrative) stage of the disease (12 months duration of the disease), 11 showed a transitional stage of transforming into fibrosis (duration of the disease changed from 13 till 18 months) and 18 patients produced a stage of a fibrosis (duration of the disease came over 12 months). Patients' age varied from 27 till 69 years. Postprocessing of the received data was performed on a personal computer with a help of “3D-DOCTOR” program, allowing to produce a high-quality 3D reconstruction of an object and to calculate it. It was established, that a volume of orbital muscles at patients with edematous exophthalmus ranged from 2.27 сm3 up to 8.51 cm3. The volume of a retroorbital fat at these patients ranged from 18.85 cm3 to 28.90 cm3. Volume of orbital muscles and fat at edematous exophthalmus depend on a stage of the disease. At the initial active stage of the EE the volume of orbital muscles is enlarged mostly and averages 4.7 ± 0.28 cm3. As the disease is progressing and approaching to the next stage (transforming into fibrosis), the volume of muscles slightly decreases coming to 4.2 ± 0.26 cm3. At the stage of fibrosis there's marked a further decrease of orbital muscles volume. Quantitative assessment of the attenuation level and volume of orbital muscles, allow to differentiate the stages of edematous exophthalmus, that facilitates an individual treatment planning and assessment of its efficacy.


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