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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Клиническая значимость определения количественных показателей непрямой радионуклидной цистографии

Д.К. Фомин1, С.П. Яцык2, Т.В. Лепаева3, Е. Г. Агапов3, О.А. Борисова1, А.А. Назаров1
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
1 ФГУ “Российский научный центр рентгенорадиологии Федерального агентства по высокотехнологичной медицинской помощи”, Москва 2 ГУ “Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН”, Москва 3 ФГУ “Московский научнои
Адрес для корреспонденции: Фомин Дмитрий Кириллович – 117997, г.Москва, ул.Профсоюзная, д. 86. Тел.: (495) 3339230. Email: dkfomin@yandex.ru

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The Clinical Importance of Quantitative Indicators of Indirect Radionuclide Cystography

D.K. Fomin, S.P. Yatsyk, T.V. Lepaeva, E.G. Agapov, O.A. Borisova, A.A. Nazarov

Aim: to define a value of radioisotope methods of diagnostics in revealing of vesicoureteral reflux and to estimate a role of quantity indicators of indirect radionuclide cystography for forecasting the given disease. Materials and methods: 43 children with secondary obstructive pyelonephritis in the age of 2–15. Duration of the disease ranged from 1 till 5 years. To all of the patients dynamic nephroscintigraphy and indirect radionuclide cystography were performed. Analysis of the parameters of kidneys functions and quantitative parameters of indirect radionuclide cystography was conducted. Results: The technique of definition of the basic characteristics of vesicoureteral reflux is presented. The interrelation between basic characteristics of vesicoureteral reflux and clinical picture of the disease, laboratory data, results of ultrasonography and a expressiveness of renal scarring was monitored. Conclusions: 1. Expressiveness of intrarenal outflow's disorders has no interrelation with quantitative characteristics of a reflux. 2. Results of ultrasonography don't allow assuming confidently a reflux, its intensity and duration. 3. The quantitative characteristics of a reflux used by us have interrelation with expressiveness of renal scarring, and can be used for forecasting reflux nephropathy's development.


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