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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Возможности контрастной МР-ангиографии в диагностике заболеваний аорты, ее ветвей, периферических артерий

Е.К. Яковлева, Л.А. Тютин, С.Ю. Аль-Двеймер, Э.Н. Шелкопляс, А.В. Поздняков
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Российский научный центр радиологии и хирургических технологий Росмедтехнологий, Санкт-Петербург
Адрес для корреспонденции: Яковлева Елена Константиновна – 198758 Санкт-Петербург, пос.Песочный, ул. Ленинградская 70/4. РНЦРХТ Росмедтехнологий, отделение МРТ, тел./факс (812) 596 8739, тел. (812) 5968537, email: petcrirr

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Potentials of Contrast MR-Angiography in Diagnosis of Diseases of Aorta, its Branches and Peripheral Arteries

E.K. Yakovleva, L. A. Tuitin, S.Ui. Al-Dweimeyr, E.N. Shelkoplyas, A.V. Pozdnyakov

Purpose of the present study is to investigate the potentials for increasing the efficiency of diagnosis of diseases of aorta, its branches and peripheral arteries based on upgrading technique of contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CеMRA). Materials and methods. CеMRA was performed in 576 patients with a suspicion on lesions of aorta, its branches, and peripheral arteries. Pathologic changes were found in 319 patients. CеMRA was performed on “Magnetom Vision” (Siemens) 1,5T using ultra short gradient sequences and 0.5М и 1.0М gadolinium сhelates, as contrast agents. Results. Indices of sensitivity and specificity of CеMRA in aneurysms of thoracic aorta came to 93.1% and 100%, respectively; with abdominal aneurysms they were both 100%. Rates of positive diagnostics of stenotic lesions in arteries depended upon both a localization and a grade of the stenosis. These rates were 89.1–93.8 % for sensitivity and 97.8–99.3% for specificity. In cases of arteries occlusions the rates of sensitivity and specificity were 93.3% and 99.7%, respectively. Conclusion. Contrast enhanced MRangiography is a high informative method for diagnosis of vessels diseases. Its introduction in a wide clinical practice will surely increase the efficiency of diagnosis of aortic diseases, its branches and peripheral arteries.


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