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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Значение эхографической оценки оперированной щитовидной железы в ранние сроки после хирургических вмешательств

Е.А. Ионова
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Клиническая больница №6 им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА РФ, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Ионова Елена Александровна – Москва, 123098, ул. Маршала Новикова д. 23. “Клиническая больница № 6 имени А.И. Бурназяна” ФМБА России, тел. раб.: 8 (499) 190-50-00, e-mail: doctorfine@mail.ru

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Ultrasonography of Residual Thyroid Gland in early Postoperative Period after Thyroid Surgery

E.A. Ionova

The aim of the study was an evaluation of diagnostics potentials of ultrasonography (US) of thyroid residual gland in postoperative period. 233 patients were examined on 1–2 or 4–5 days after thyroid surgery by US. The early postoperative complications were detected in 5 patients. Residual thyroid tissue (TR) was clearly detected in 90.9% of cases and its echo structure was the same as before operation, except of the resection zone. Some thyroid nodules from 3 till 25 mm were revealed in TR at 41 cases (21.7%). In 20 cases of economical resections the smallest ones of them (3–6 mm) were spared by surgeons and were named as “ignoring”. Another 21 showed to be “forgotten”. In 20 cases some thyroid tissue was detected in the thyroid bed after hemi and total thyroidectomy. In 2 cases more we revealed abnormal lymphatic nodules after thyroid cancer surgery. US showed discrepancy of planned and performed operation at 37 cases (15.9%) after thyroid surgery, so as at 11 patients (4.7%) the postoperative course was directly changed. The US in earl postoperative period after thyroid surgery is an effective procedure to detect postoperative complications and to estimate the TR. The US of TR can be used before patients discharge for future effective recovery.


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