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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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МРТ в изучении процесса перестройки костей коленного сустава после переломов

Г.В. Дьячкова, Л.В. Суходолова, Р.В. Степанов, К.А. Дьячков, А.Н. Бакарджиева, Е.А. Карасев
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
ФГУН ''Российский научный центр ''Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия'' им. акад. Г.А. Илизарова Росмедтехнологий'', Курган
Адрес для корреспонденции: Дьячкова Галина Викторовна – 640014 Курган, ул. М. Ульяновой, 6. Тел. 83522530810, факс 835220536046, email: dgv2003@list.ru

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MRI of Reconstruction of Knee Joint Bones after Ractures

G.V. Diachkova, L.V. Sukhodolova, R.V. Stepanova, K.A. Diachkov, A.N. Bakardzhyeva, E.A. Karasyev

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Magneton Simphoni Siemens) was performed with postprocessing on multimode station of expert class 'Leonardo' in 32 patients with intraarticular fractures of a knee joint before treatment, directly after frame removal and in a longterm period after trauma. Visualized capacities of MRI enabled to reveal a number of significant changes of mineralized and nonmineralized components of a distal end of a femoral and proximal part of a tibial bone after trauma (trabecular edema, cysts, bone cavities, state like vascular fascicle, metallosis). Consolidated fractures are characterized by hypointensive signals on T1-weighted images and Т2-weighted images from sclerotic parts of bone marrow, planes of former fractures, posttraumatic bone cavities, enlargement of scar tissue, nonhomogenous periosteal callus that are revealed during MRI until 4 and more years after termination of a course of treatment, especially in incomplete reduction of fracture. Precise reduction considerably reduces period of reconstruction of bone structure and medullary canal at the zone of fracture (up to 1-2 years).


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