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Медицинская литература. Новинки






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Денситометрия при выраженных формах сколиотической деформации позвоночника

В.С. Копылов, В.А. Сороковиков, В.Э. Потапов, А.В. Горбунов, А.Ю. Четин
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Научный центр реконструктивной и восстановительной хирургии ВСНЦ Сибирского отделения РАМН, Иркутск
Адрес для корреспонденции: Копылов Виталий Сергеевич – 664003 Иркутск, ул. Борцов Революции, 1. Тел. (3952) 290346. Email arsnataliya@yandex.ru

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Densitometry at Expressed Forms of Scoliotic Deformation of a Spine

V.S. Kopilov, V.A. Sorokovikov, V.E. Potapov, A.V. Gorbunov, A.Ju. Chetin

36 patients had osteodensimetry. Age of the patients ranged from 20 till 30. The analysis of the examinations showed, that the expressed forms of scoliotic deformation of spine lead to changes of mineral tension of bone tissue of lumbar vertebrae. Less changes of mineral tension of bone tissue of lumbar vertebrae are marked at spine deformation if the top of curvature is situated in upper thorax and thoracic parts of the spine. Great changes of mineral tension of bone tissue of lumbar vertebrae could be seen at spine deformation if the top of curvature is situated in lumbar and thoracolumbar areas. The degree of mineral tension of bone tissue does not straight proportionate to degree of spine deformation. The data of mineral tension of bone tissue must be taken as a basis of the choice of stabilizing and corrective equipment taking into account support ability of bone structures.


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