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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Поиск по всем журналам: медицинская << очистить поиск << Медицинская визуализация << 2008 год << №5 <<

Возможности магнитнорезонансной томографии в разграничении злокачественных костных опухолей у пациентов старших возрастных групп

Н.В. Гуничева, Т.А. Ахадов, В.Н. Шубкин
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
ГОУ ВПО “Красноярский государственный медицинский университет им. проф. В.Ф. ВойноЯсенецкого Росздрава” Научноисследовательский институт неотложной детской хирургии и травматологии, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Ахадов Толиб Абдуллаевич – Москва, ул. Каргопольская, 10301. Тел. (495) 633 58 03 (служ.). Email: akhadov@mail.ru

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Utilities of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Differentiation of Malignant Bone Tumors at Patients of the Senior age Groups

N.V. Gunicheva, T.A. Akhadov, V.N. Shubkin

The purpose of research was investigation of the utilities of magnetic resonance imaging (МRI) in differentiation chondrosarcomas and extravertebral bone metastases at middleage and elderly patients. Materials and methods. МRI was performed to eight patients with chondrosarcomas and five patients with bone metastases. Patients were in one age group and had similar localization of pathological process. Technical parameters MRI also were identical. The diagnosis was verified at both patients groups. At X-ray survey of these patients there were identified the foci of condensation of bone structure; the lytic bone destructions; pathological fracture; softtissue a component. Results and discussion. The received results were analyzed from the point of view of the alarm and morphometric characteristics. At chondrosarcomas, and metastases there were identified tumorous nodules, which were estimated by the size, the form and structure. At chondrosarcomas the nodules were lager, than they were at metastases. Two components were more typical for chondrosarcomas. These were bone and softtissue parts with precise contours and small expressiveness of perifocal edema. At chondrosarcomas there wasn't any reaction from periosteum, and metastases showed the needle periostitis. At native MRI chondrosarcomas had a vide signal variations and metastases had homogenous, predominantly hypointensive in T1 weighted images and hyperintensive in T2 weighted images signal. At contrastenhanced МRI, chondrosarcomas showed partitions and septations, metastases revealed a homogeneous and weak signal enhancement. Conclusions. Thus, MRI is an authentic method of diagnostics of chondrosarcomas and bone metastases at middleage and elderly patients. MRI gives reliable tools for differentiation between chondrosarcomas and metastases, the main among which is contrast enhancement.


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