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Тератомы являются наиболее распространенными среди герминогенных опухолей. Они обнаруживаются с самого молодого возраста и представляют группу опухолей, очень разнообразных по входящим в их состав тканям, которые происходят из зародышевых листков различной степени. Приведенное клиническое наблюдение иллюстрирует пример диагностики кистозной тератомы. Данные УЗИ, как и КТ, вследствие значительных размеров образования на первом этапе не позволили с уверенностью сказать о яичнике как об источнике образования. МРТ в приведенном наблюдении явилась методом диагностического выбора, позволившим четко определить его источник.
Ключевые слова:
тератома яичника, ультразвуковая диагностика, компьютерная томография, магнитнорезонансная томография, ovarian teratoma, ultrasound, CT, MRI
1.Тератома яичника. http://ilive.com.ua/health/teratoma-yaichnika_25311i2507.html.
2.Yang-Feng T.L., Katz S.N., Cacangiu M.L., Schwartz P.E. Cytogenetic analysis of ependymoma and teratoma of the ovary. Cancer Genet. Cytogenet. 1988; 35 (1): 83-89.
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7.Outwater E.K., Siegelman E.S., Hunt J.L. Ovarian teratomas: tumor types and imaging characteristics. RadioGraphics. 2001; 21: 475-490.
8.Petousis S., Kalogiannidis I., Margioula-Siarkou C. Mature Ovarian Teratoma with Carcinoid Tumor in a 28-Year-Old Patient. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013; Article ID 108582, 3 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/108582.
9.Jung S.E., Lee J.M., Rha S.E. et al. CT and MR Imaging of Ovarian Tumors with Emphasis on Differential Diagnosis. RadioGraphics. 2002; 22: 1305-1325.
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11.Khanna S., Srivastava V., Saroj S. et al. An unusual presentation of ovarian teratoma: a case teratoma. Case Reports in Emergency Medicine. 2012; Article ID 845198, 2 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/845198.
12.Kawakami S., Togashi K., Egawa H. et al. Solid mature teratoma of the ovary: appearances at MR imaging. Comput. Med. Imaging. Graph. 1994; 18: 203-207.
13.Park E.-A., Cho J.Y., Lee M.W. et al. MR features of fluid-fluid levels in ovarian masses. Eur. Radiol. 2007; 17: 3247-3254.
14.Umaria N., Olliff J.F. Imaging features of pelvic endometriosis. Br. J. Radiol. 2001; 74: 556-562.
15.Krumermana M.S., Chung A. Squamous carcinoma arising in benign cystic teratoma of the ovary. A report of four case and review of the literature. Cancer. 1977; 39 (3): 1237-1242.
16.Curling O.M., Potsides P.N., Hudson C.N. Malignant change in benign cystic teratoma of the ovary. Br. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1979; 86 (5): 399-402.
17.Chadha S., Schaberg A. Malignant transformation in benign cystic teratomas: dermoids of the ovary. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 1988; 29 (4): 329-338.
18.Bazot M., Nassar-Slaba J., Thomassin-Naggara I. et al. MR imaging compared with intraoperative frozen-section examination for the diagnosis of adnexal tumors; correlation with final histology. Eur. Radiol. 2006; 16: 2687-2699.
19.Togashi K. Ovarian cancer: the clinical role of US, CT, and MRI. Eur. Radiol. 2003; 13: L87-L104.
20.Saba L., Guerriero S., Sulcis R. et al. Mature and immature ovarian teratomas: CT, US and MR imaging characteristics. Eur. J. Radiol. 2009; 72 (3): 454-463.
21.Kim S.M., Choi H.S., Byun J.S. et al. Mucinous adenocarcinoma and strumal carcinoid tumor arising in one mature cystic teratoma of the ovary with synchronous cervical cancer. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Res. 2003; 29 (1): 28-32.
22.Park S.B., Cho K.S., Kim J.K. CT findings of mature cystic teratoma with malignant transformation: comparison with mature cystic teratoma. Clin. Imaging. 2011; 35 (4): 294-300.
23.Breysem L., Bosmans H., Dymarkowski S. et al. The value of fast MR imaging as an adjunct to ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis. Eur. Radiol. 2003; 13: 1538-1548.
24.Yamaoka T., Togashi K., Koyama T. et al. Immature teratoma of the ovary: correlation of MR imaging and pathologic findings. Eur. Radiol. 2003; 13: 313-319.
Teratomas are the most widespread among the germinal tumors. They are found from the youngest age and represent group of tumors, very various on the fabrics which were their part which come from germinal leaves of various degree. The clinical case illustrates an example of cystic teratoma diagnostics. Ultrasound, as well as CT, owing to the considerable amount of lesion, at the first stage didn''t allow to tell with confidence, about an ovary, as about lesion source. MRI was the method of the diagnostic choice which has allowed accurately to define its source.
тератома яичника, ультразвуковая диагностика, компьютерная томография, магнитнорезонансная томография, ovarian teratoma, ultrasound, CT, MRI