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МЫ ПЕРЕЕХАЛИ! Новый адрес - ул.Покровка, д.41стр.2 |
Лекция посвящена ультразвуковым методикам определения показателей деформации миокарда. Основное внимание уделено допплеровской визуализации тканей и ее возможностям в оценке показателей деформации миокарда. Освещена методология применения допплеровской визуализации тканей для оценки деформации миокарда. Представлены основные ограничения методики.
Ключевые слова:
эхокардиография, деформация миокарда, скорость деформации, допплеровская визуализация тканей, технология отслеживания пятнышек.
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2. Stoylen A. Strain rate imaging. Cardiac deformation imaging by ultrasound / echocardiography.
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9. Heimdal A., Stoylen A., Torp H., Skjaerpe T. Realtime strain rate imaging of the left ventricle by
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10. Leitman M., Lysyansky P., Sidenko S. et al. Twodimensional strain-a novel software for real-time
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11. Reisner S.A., Lysyansky P., Agmon Y. et al. Global
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2004. V. 17. № 6. P. 630–633.
12. Uematsu M., Miyatake K., Tanaka N. et al.
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13. Kjaergaard J., Korinek J., Belohlavek M. et al.
Accuracy, reproducibility, and comparability of
Doppler tissue imaging by two high-end ultrasound
systems // J. Am. Soc. Echocardiogr. 2006. V. 19.
№3. P. 322–328.
14. Urheim S., Edvardsen T., Torp H. et al. Myocardial
strain by Doppler echocardiography. Validation of
a new method to quantify regional myocardial function // Circulation. 2000. V. 102. № 10.
P. 1158–1164.
15. Edvardsen T., Gerber B.L., Garot J. et al. Quantitative assessment of intrinsic regional myocardial
deformation by Doppler strain rate echocardiography in humans: validation against three-dimensional tagged magnetic resonance imaging //
Circulation. 2002. V. 106. № 1. P. 50–56.
The lecture was dedicated to the ultrasound methods of myocardium strain indices determination. The main attention paid to tissue Doppler imaging and its possibilities in the myocardium strain indices eval& uation. The methodology of tissue Doppler imaging use for myocardium strain evaluation was described. The main methods limits were presented.
echocardiography, strain, strain rate, tissue Doppler imaging, and speckle tracking.