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В статье изложена организационно-штатная структура отдела лучевых методов центральной поликлиники ФСБ РФ и описано диагностическое оборудование, используемое в этом отделе. Указаны методики, применяемые в деятельности отдела. Высоко оценена система работы отдела на основании интеграции и комплексности применения методов лучевой диагностики.
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The subject of this report is analysis of the experience of the radiological department’s functioning including X-ray radiography, СT and US. Positive characteristics of this integration include complete diagnostic process with determination of algorithm, rational using of the radiological methods that implies safety of patients and reducing material expenses. The combination of CT and US allows diagnosing diseases of kidneys and alimentary tract on outpatient care level in 96% of patients. The use of CT in some patients with lunge diseases is more informative than linear tomography. The combination of mammography and US in 85% patients with breast cancer allows to diagnose the disease on the 1–2 stages. The united informative system (ARIS) was created in the department for integration of different types of examinations. ARIS is a part of Clinical Automated Informative System on the outpatients care level. The authors analyze possibilities of the programme “Multi-Vox” for post-processing of images, writing protocols. A scheme of Department, results of the breast screening with US and illustrations are also available.