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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2006 год << №1 <<

Особенности лучевой диагностики ректоцеле

Л.П. Орлова, И.В. Зароднюк, А.М. Кузьминов, М.А. Долгатова, С.В. Чуприна
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
1-4: Государственный научный центр колопроктологии. 5: Кафедра колопроктологии Российской Медицинской Академии последипломного образования.
Адрес для корреспонденции: Орлова Лариса Петровна – тел.: (495) 199-66-86.

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The Peculiarities of X'ray Diagnostics of Rectocele

L.P. Orlova, I.V. Zarodniuk, A.M. Kuzminov, M.A. Dolgatova, and S.V. Chuprina

Object: To improve quality of rectocele diagnosis at different stages. Material and Methods: Forty-two female patients (mean age 48.7 ± 7.6 years) were examined. Defecography and endorectal ultrasonography were performed as preplanned diagnostic work-up. Defecography revealed rectocele of the first stage in 7.2%, the second stage rectocele in 61.9% and the third stage – in 31.0%. Posterior rectocele has been found in 20.5% of patients. The extra-mobility and ''overplication'' of posterior rectal wall has been noticed in 28.1%. Rectal intussusception combined with anterior rectocele was diagnosed in 12.4%. Also an abnormal bowel evacuation was found in 65.5% of patients. Analysis of endorectal ultrasonography demonstrated 7.5 to 40 mm prolapse of anterior rectal wall into vaginal vestibule. A thickening of a circular muscle layer of low rectum up to 3.5 ± 0.5 mm was detected in 12 (57.2%) patients. The ''overplication'' of a posterior low rectum mucosal layer was found in 8 (38.2%) cases. The thinning of a levator anus less than 1cm was found only in 4 patients; while in the other cases a mean thickness of a levator anus was 15 mm. Conclusion: The submitted diagnostic complex favour the proper evaluation of rectocele stage and abnormalities of a rectal wall, vagina, recto-vaginal septum, levator anus and anal sphincter. It allows to determine a leading cause in a pathogeneses of every particular type of rectocele.


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