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The goal of our study is a rising the efficacy of X-ray diagnostics of functional disturbances of a colon at children. Material and methods. In all there were 335 children examined at the age from 2 till 17 years. A modified X-ray inspection of a colon with expanded criteria of evaluation was performed to all of the children. Results. As it had been shown in our studies a dejection disturbance, as the most common symptom of dolichosigmoid, was revealed at 8% of all children, and 30% without dyskinesia. A functional dolichomegacolon has a transitional nature, and its hyperdiagnostics might be because of a stress, experienced during the procedure. The designed method is relevant particular in children hospitals because being a spare it doesn't loose self-descriptiveness. Conclusion. A designed modality allows evaluating more precisely a functional state of a colon.