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Рассмотрено современное состояние проблемы антибиотикопрофилактики послеоперационных инфекционногнойных осложнений при заболеваниях желчевыводящих путей, основные принципы и методы ее осуществления. Приведены данные о частоте раневой инфекции в зависимости от заболевания и его тяжести, осложнений, сопутствующих заболеваний, характера, травматичности и продолжительности операции. Даны современная классификация операций, а также рекомендации по применению различных схем антибактериальной терапии.
Ключевые слова:
антибактериальная терапия, хирургическая инфекция.
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There were examined current condition of antibacterial prophylaxis (ABP) problem, development of post-operational infectious suppurative complications in the zone of operative (surgical) intervention, and interconnected organs with the pathology of bile passages of calculus genesis, main principles and its realization methods. Data on the development rate of wound infection depending on the type and severity of the pathology, availability of complications, concomitant (coexistent) disease, type of trauma and the duration of the operation are also shown. The modern classification of operations, which depending on the level of potential microbial contamination in the operative site are divided into 4 groups: ''clean'' ''conditionally clean'', ''contaminated'', and ''dirty''. Depending on the type of the operation, adoptions of different schedules (types) of ABP are recommended on this classification: onetime, preoperational in ''clean'', ultra-short (24-hour) in ''conditionally clean'', prolonged (24-72-hour) in ''contaminated'', and ''dirty'' operational parts.
antibacterial prophylaxis, surgical infection