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Ключевые слова:
1. Hintze G., Emrich D., Kцbberling J. Treatment of endemic
goitre due to iodine deficiency with iodine, levothyroxine or
both: results of a multicentre trial. Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 1992;
19: 527–534.
2. G ärtner R., Greil W., Demharter R., Horn K. Involvement of
cyclic AMP, iodide and metabolites of arachidonic acid in the
regulation of cell proliferation of isolated porcine thyroid follicles. Molec. Cell. Endocr. 1985; 42:145–155.
3. Laurberg P., Nyhr S.B., Pedersen K.M. et al. Thyroid disorders in mild iodine deficiency. Thyroid 2000; 10: 951–963.
4. Carella C., Mazziotti G., Rotondi M. et al. Iodized salt
improves the effectiveness of L-thyroxine therapy after
surgery for nontoxic goitre: a prospective and randomized
study. Clin. Endocr. (Oxf.) 2002; 57.
5. Feldkamp J., Seppel T., Becker A. et al. Iodide or L-thyroxine
to prevent recurrent goiter in an iodinedeficient area:
prospective sonographic study. Wld J. Surg. 1997; 21:
6. Rotondi M., Amato G., Del Buono A. et al. Postintervention
serum TSH levels may be useful to differentiate patients who
should undergo levothyroxine suppressive therapy after thyroid surgery for multinodular goiter in a region with moderate
iodine deficiency. Thyroid 2000; 10: 1081–1085.
7. SchummDraeger P.M., Encke A., Usadel K.H. Optimal
recurrence prevention of iodine deficiency related goiter after
thyroid gland operation. A prospective clinical study. Internist
(Berl.) 2003; 44: 420–426, 429–432.