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Pathophysiological mechanisms of development of a nephropathy at high risk patients once performed cardio angiography or computed tomography with iodine-containing dimeric and monomeric radiopaque contrast agents with various osmolarity and viscosity. The significance of some biochemical parameters (a level of serum creatinine, deformability of erythrocytes) for predisposition to development of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is analyzed. The preventive measures of CIN development (a hydration, exception of reception of pharmaceuticals with potential nephrotoxicity, smaller doses of contrast agents, a pharmacotherapy with N-acetylcysteinum, Theophyllinum, Acidum ascorbinicum and statins) at high-risk patients, indigent of radiopaque contrast examinations are discussed. A conclusion testified a lack of advantages of isoosmolar dimeric contrast agents before monomeric nonionic lowosmolar contrast agents concerning a risk of development of a clinically significant nephropathy.