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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2007 год << №5 <<

Причины диагностических ошибок при выявлении рака молочной железы радиологическими методами исследования

Ф.И. Тодуа, Т.Д. Чангелиа, Л.Л. Джваршеишвили, Г.Ш. Сванидзе, А.К. Надареишвили
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
НИИ медицинской радиологии АН Грузии, Тбилиси
Адрес для корреспонденции: Тодуа Фридон Ипполитович – тел. (995 32) 94-02-89. E-mail: radiag@mail.ru

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Reasons of Diagnostic Errors of Breast Cancer

F. Todua, T. Changelia, L. Jvarsheishvili, G. Svanidze, A. Nadareishvili

From 2002 till 2003 years in the Institute of Medical Radiology 167 women with the suspicion of the BC on the different stage were investigated. In all cases clinical, US examinations and mammography were performed. 124 women had complaints of dense, painless masses in the breast, and 9 – in the axilar region; 11 females underwent prophylactic examination; 4 – after skeleton scintigraphy (where secondary damages were revealed). The efficacy of a treatment and prognosis of BC depends on histological type of BC. We tried not only to reveal the cancer, but also to differentiate the histological type of BC. In 15 cases a biopsy was performed. The size of a tumor didn't exceed 1.2 cm, and in 12 cases a lesion wasn't palpable. From 167 US examinations the diagnosis was false in 9 cases. Among them there were 5 false positive and 4 false negative results. The most of breast carcinomas in patients under 40-s, were diagnosed correctly. Mammography was performed in 167 cases with suspicion of BC. Among them diagnosis was confirmed in 134 patients. In 4 cases mammography was not capable to provide the exact information because of the tumor localization. On the basis of our results we can conclude, that ultrasonography is more informative than mammography in the diagnosis of nodular lesions. Mammography is more effective in patients under 40-s, whereas the younger patients can be examined more precisely by ultrasonography, because of well-expressed gland tissue. Ultrasonography is effective screening method in complex with mammography and biopsy. For the early diagnosis of breast cancer ultrasonography and mammography is necessary.


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