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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2007 год << №6 <<

Возможности комплексной эхографии в диагностике активности хронических гепатитов

М.Г. Тухбатуллин, Л.А. Емелькина
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
ГОУ ДПО “Казанская государственная медицинская академия ФАЗ и СР”
Адрес для корреспонденции: Тухбатуллин Мунир Габдулфатович – 420012 Россия, Казань, ул. Муштари, д. 11, КГМА. Тел.: 8 (843) 2644677. E-mail: mtoukh@rkb2.ru

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Possibilities of Complex Ultrasonography in Diagnostics of Chronic Hepatitis' Activeness

M.G. Tukhbatullin, L.A. Emel’kina

The aim of our study was the evaluation of possibilities of complex ultrasonography in diagnostics of chronic hepatitis' activity. Materials and methods: We examined 59 patients with chronic hepatitis. All patients were subjected to clinic-laboratory study and complex ultrasonography in “gray scale” mode. Results: The most sensitive factors of process' activity are dilatation of a splenic vein, increase of volume blood flow velocity and spleen enlargement. Factors, expressed in hepatitis activity are extension of the first segment, reduction of linear blood flow velocity in portal vein and increase of a portal-splenetic index. Conclusion: Complex ultrasonography is an efficient non-invasive method of indirect estimation of pathological process activities at chronic hepatitis.


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