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Механическая подготовка кишки к операциям стала рутинной практикой. Цель работы: изучить существующие в современной литературе данные об эффективности и безопасности подготовки кишки перед плановыми операциями на толстой кишке. Были проанализированы результаты 7 проспективных рандомизированных исследований, в которых сравнивали результаты лечения плановых колопроктологических больных с использованием предоперационной подготовки кишки и без нее. Общее число больных составило 2608. Предоперационная подготовка проведена 1318 пациентам, 1290 больных оперированы без подготовки. Летальность в сравниваемых группах не отличалась. Частота несостоятельности анастомоза и гнойных осложнений была несколько выше в группе больных, получивших подготовку кишки, но различия были статистически недостоверными. Использование современных хирургических технологий позволяет в большинстве наблюдений безопасно отказаться от механической предоперационной подготовки кишки. Необходимость проведения предоперационной подготовки и ее вид нуждаются в дальнейшем изучении.
Ключевые слова:
Предоперационная подготовка кишечника, колоректальная хирургия.
1. Основы колопроктологии / Под ред. Г.И. Воробьева. :
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2. Beloosesky Y., Grinblat J., Weiss A. et al. Electrolyte disorders following oral sodium phosphate administration for bowel cleansing
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3. Berg R. Bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract //
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4. Bretagnol F., Alves A., Ricci A. et al. Rectal cancer surgery without mechanical bowel preparation // Br. J. Surg. 2007. V. 10.
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5. Bucher P., Gervaz P., Egger J. et al. Morphologic alterations associated with mechanical bowel preparation before elective colorectal surgery: a randomized trial // Dis. Col. Rect. 2006. V. 1.
Р. 109–112.
6. Bucher P., Mermillod B., Morel P. et al. Does mechanical bowel
preparation have a role in preventing postoperative complications in elective colorectal surgery? // Swiss Med. Wkly. 2004.
V. 134. Р. 69–74.
7. Bucher P., Mermillod B., Gervaz P. et al. Mechanical bowel
preparation for elective colorectal surgery: a metaanalysis //
Arch. Surg. 2004. V. 12. Р. 1359–1364.
8. Bucher P., Gervaz P., Soravia C. et al. Randomized clinical trial
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9. Contant C., Hop W., van’t Sant H. et al. Mechanical bowel preparation for elective colorectal surgery: a multicentre randomised
trial // Lancet. 2008. V. 22. P. 2112–2117.
10. Fa-Si-Oen P., Roumen R., Buitenweg J. et al. Mechanical bowel
preparation or not? Outcome of a multicenter, randomized trial
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11. Fa-Si-Oen P., Verwaest C., Buitenweg J. et al. Effect of mechanical bowel preparation with polyethyleneglycol on bacterial contamination and wound infection in patients undergoing elective
open colon surgery // Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 2005. V. 2.
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12. Guenaga K., Matos D., Castro A. et al. Mechanical bowel preparation for elective colorectal surgery // Cochr. Datab. Syst. Rev.
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2006. V. 202. P. 45–54.
14. Miettinen R., Laitinen S., Mäkelä J. et al. Bowel preparation with
oral polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution vs. no preparation in
elective open colorectal surgery: prospective, randomized study
// Dis. Col. Rect. 2000. V. 5. Р. 669–675.
15. Nichols R., Condon R. Preoperative preparation of the colon //
Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. 1971. V. 132. P. 323–337.
16. Nichols R., Smith J., Garcia R. et al. Current practices of preoperative bowel preparation among North American colorectal
surgeons // Clin. Infect. Dis. 1997. V. 24. P. 609–619.
17. Oliveira L., Wexner S., Daniel N. et al. Mechanical bowel preparation for elective colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized,
surgeon-blinded trial comparing sodium phosphate and polyethylene glycol-based oral lavage solutions // Dis. Colon. Rectum.
1997. V. 5. Р. 585–591.
18. Pena-Soria M., Mayol J., Anula R. et al. Single-blinded
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19. Pena-Soria M., Mayol J., AnulaFernandez R. et al. Mechanical
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20. Platell C., Barwood N., Makin G. Randomized clinical trial of
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21. Ram E., Sherman Y., Weil R. еt al. Is mechanical bowel preparation mandatory for elective colon surgery? A prospective randomized study // Arch. Surg. 2005. V. 3. Р. 285–288.
22. Slim K., Vicaut E., Panis Y. et al. Meta-analysis of randomized
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bowel preparation // Br. J. Surg. 2004. V. 91. P. 1125–1130.
23. Wille-Jorgensen P., Guenaga K., Matos D. Pre-operative
mechanical bowel cleansing or not? Аn updated meta-analysis //
Colorectal Dis. 2005. V. 4. Р. 304–310.
24. Wille-Jоrgensen P., Guenaga K., Castro A. Clinical value of preoperative mechanical bowel cleansing in elective colorectal
surgery: a systematic review // Dis. Colon. Rectum. 2003. V. 8.
Р. 1013–1020.
25. Zmora O., Mahajna A., Bar-Zakai B. et al. Colon and rectal
surgery without mechanical bowel preparation: a randomized
prospective trial // Ann. Surg. 2003. V. 3. Р. 363–367.
26. Zmora O., Mahajna A., Bar-Zakai B. et al. Is mechanical bowel
preparation mandatory for left-sided colonic anastomosis?
Results of a prospective randomized trial // Tech. Coloproctol.
2006. V. 2. Р. 131–135.
27. Zmora O., Pikarsky A., Wexner S. Bowel preparation for colorectal surgery // Dis. Colon. Rectum. 2001. V. 44. P. 1537–1549.
Mechanical bowel preparation has been considered an efficient measure against anastomotic leakage and infections complications in elective colorectal surgery. Purpose: to determine the effectiveness and safety of mechanical bowel preparation in coloproctology. Methods: the computerized searches of publications describing mechanical bowel preparation before elective colorectal surgery in electronic libraries. Selection criteria: randomised clinical trials, comparing groups of patients with or without mechanical bowel preparation. Outcome measures: anastomotic leakage, infectious complications, mortality. Results: Overall 2608 patients were analyzed. 1318 of them were allocated for mechanical bowel preparation and 1290 for no preparation before elective colorectal surgery. Mortality rate did not differ significantly in comparing groups. Anastomotic leakage and surgical site infections rates were higher in bowel preparation group, but the differences were not significant. Conclusions: The results of our review failed to support the hypothesis that bowel preparation reduces anastomotic leak rates and other complications. The routine use of mechanical bowel preparation in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery is questioned.
Bowel preparation, colorectal surgery.