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В онкологическом диспансере были обследованы 456 больных, направленных с предварительным диагнозом «киста яичников». Всем больным выполнили МРТ малого таза и брюшной полости; у всех изучено содержание опухолевых маркеров СА-125 в крови методом иммуноферментного анализа. Описана МРТ-семиотика рака яичников. Высоко оценен диагностический эффект МРТ с контрастным усилением в диагностике и установлении стадии рака яичников. Определение маркера СА-125 целесообразно для скрининга рака яичника в целях отбора больных для УЗИ и МРТ.
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Malignant ovarian tumors keep the leading place among causes of mortality in patients with oncogynecological pathology. Early diagnostics of these tumors considerably improves efficiency of treatment and further survival of these patients. For this purpose both laboratory and radiological diagnostic modalities could be applied. The purpose of this work was to study the diagnostic possibilities of combined use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and analysis of oncomarker СА125 in diagnostics of malignant ovarian tumors. 456 patients with first suspected ovarian tumors (1st group) and 39 patients who had treatment before with remission or recurrence (2nd group) were studied. All patients, besides routine clinical examination, were studied with pelvic and abdominal MRI. The level of CA125 was determined. All patients form the 1st group were operated and results of morphology were available. The study demonstrated the typical signs of malignant ovarian tumors on MR images. Oncomarker CA125 could be used for determination of patients with high risk of ovarian cancer. Further evaluation in this group should be performed with intravaginal US and pelvic MRI for purposes of differential diagnosis, staging, therapy monitoring and detection of recurrences.