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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2008 год << №3 <<

Современные подходы к рентгенологическому обследованию колопроктологических больных

А.В. Горинов
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
(Под руководством профессора А.А. Тихонова) ФГУ “ГНЦ Колопроктологии Росздрава”, Москва

Ключевые слова:


The Modern Approaches to X$ray Examination of Patients with Colorectal Diseases

A.V. Gorinov

The authors designed and introduced in every day practice a new methodic of single-stage X-ray examination of a colon. The algorithm of complex single-stage X-ray examinations of patients with colorectal diseases is seen in the following way: 1. Urography. 2. Cystography. 3. Fistulography. 4. Irrigography. 5. Examination of stomach or small bowel . 6. Vaginography. 7. Urethrography. A single-stage complex X-ray examination of a colon in comparison with a traditional performing of X-ray survey with separated methods, shortens the duration of the examination to one day, doesn't require a repeated preparation, decreases a radiation exposure on 35% (from 11.9 to 7.6mZv) and surpasses the traditional X-ray examinations in total accuracy on 18.1%, in sensitivity on 14.6% and in specificity on 30.8%.


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